Repair Versus Replacement

Using an Appliance Repair Company or Just Replace It?

Most household appliances come with an average life span of around 10-20 years. And unless you are lucky enough for an appliance breaks down while it is still under warranty, then you will need to determine is you should use an appliance repair company

or just buy a new appliance?

This can be a tough question to answer. Should you be unfortunate enough not to have an extended service contract, then some repair costs will not be that cheap, and you will be left with the quandary of repair or replace? However, we will try to make your decision easier for you with this blog. There are a few factors you need to consider, such as the age of the appliance, how much the repair will cost, what are the chances of this happening again, and is it just cheaper all around to buy a new appliance?

Well here is how you can decide. Let’s say for argument’s sake, you have a refrigerator which is over 7 years old, and the compressor breaks down. A new appliance costs around $1,500 however, just the compressor repair alone is $500. Should you repair or replace the entire appliance, it all comes down in situations such as these to personal choice.

Lastly, when you are purchasing new appliances, make sure you are critical when assessing special features and their costs, such as do you really need an indoor ice maker enough to justify its price and the space it takes up?. Make sure you are practical regarding the applications of an appliances’ design and their impact on your home. For example, a double oven does look fantastic, however, its energy consumption will be heavy, not to mention you will need a big kitchen to put it in.

If you are looking for an affordable appliance repair company

locally, call AAA Appliance Clinic in Lake Balboa, CA today on (818) 334-8388.

Services list

  • Appliance Installations
  • Appliance Repairs
  • Appliance Maintenance
  • Refrigerator Installation &Repairs
  • AC Installation & Repairs
  • Central Heating
  • Oven & Range Repairs
  • Dishwasher Repairs
  • Freezers Repairs
  • Trash Compactors
  • Reach-In Refrigerator Repairs
  • Reach-In Freezers Repairs